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Keywords: Organizational Culture
Issue Date: Jun-2017
Publisher: St.Mary's University
Abstract: An organizational culture is a system of shared beliefs and attitudes of its members. Every organization is assumed to have its own culture - organizational culture, which is hidden and difficult to identify. The purpose of this study was to assess the role of organizational culture on employee’s commitment at Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. In this study, descriptive survey design was used. Descriptive study is relevant to obtain information concerning the status of the phenomena as it appears. Structured questionnaire was employed to collect primary data from the sampled respondent. In addition, the secondary data were collected from relevant, potential documents located in different resources centers, including documentary analyses of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia using. For this study a simple random sampling was used, 152 employees were selected as the sample of the study. The standardized measurement scales were adapted and distributed to 152 employees in the form of questioners but, 143 respondents filled and replied were found valid for analysis. The quantitative data collected was analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statistical technique and presented as frequency distributions in terms of frequencies, percentages and also measures of central tendency. Most of the respondents believed that internal communication is high while the rest them did not strongly share the Bank’s vision, strategies, policies, procedures, rules and regulations and believe that decision making process is unfair and opaque. The contribution of the current culture on increasing employee’s commitment is weak. The role of organizational culture dimensions (autonomy, trust, team work/cohesion, reward and recognition, support and fairness,) is vital. Therefore, the Bank should create the right dominant culture comprised of all organizational directions. The concerned Officials and stakeholders should develop a system which brings about cultural changes in the Bank and then these enables to create an asset of committed and satisfied employees.
Appears in Collections:Business Administration

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