Abstract: | General Service Share Company. The study was highlighted the need for effective supervision in an organization. The study looked at what constitutes effective supervision administration on organizations and the benefits that are to be obtained thereof. The study adopted descriptive research design and a mixed research approach which include the distribution of a well -designed research instrument questionnaire out of the total population of 150 to 109 respondent (employee) in fine general service using simple random sampling and interview for the client of Fine General Service by using purposive sampling the researcher tried to find out nature of supervision carried out by fine general service and to what extent does supervision have effect on employee performance, accordingly we identify if this appear to affect the performance of employees’ in Fine General Service with the help of supervision dimension like organizational culture, job character, personnel difference and team work .The data was analyzed using SPSS (version 21),while the document are tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using frequency count and percentage, while relation is determined based on correlation analysis and the effect of supervision on employee performance was determined using regression analysis .The finding of the study will be expected to indicate the effective supervision has a positive bearing on employee performance. The finding of this study was a helpful tools which could be used to provide solution to individual dissatisfaction to work process and employee performance, for management decision to improve supervision activities to ensure the performance of the employee and a bench mark for further researchers The researcher try to recommend that organizational problem are internal not external and therefore the implementation of supervision must be accompanied mechanism or policies that create the opportunity to harness performance. Therefore the main aim and focus of the management should be on augmenting the supervision activities and its corresponding dimensions, so as to aggravate the performance of the employee. |