Abstract: | Rework according to this study is an unnecessary effort of redoing a construction activity
that was wrongly carried out the first time. The objectives of this study were, i) To
identify the major causes of rework in building construction projects which are located in
Addis Ababa, ii) To identify the overall major impacts of rework in building construction
projects which are located in Addis Ababa, iii) To give an insight into the financial
impact of rework on cost performance of a building project and; iv) To examine the
measures taken so far to minimize reworking. From the number of building constructions
found in Addis Ababa, building contractors one, two and three were selected as the target
population. To meet the objective of the study, a survey strategy followed by a
questionnaire, semi-structured interview, and site document review were used as data
collection tools. Among the distributed 118 questionnaires for the construction
companies, 89 were collected. Based on the collected data, the result of the study
revealed that “Change instructions given by the client after some work had been carried
out”, “Use of an insufficient skill level manpower” and “Defective workmanship” were
the three major causal factors of rework among the 33 identified factors. In addition to
this, the study revealed that cost overrun, time overrun and disputes between parties in
the contract as the major rework impacts. Besides this, the results obtained from the
survey indicated, the rework minimizing measures are not implemented at an efficient
level. Finally, the study mainly recommended for the three major participants
(contractors, clients, and consultants) to develop a continuous means of communication
and specifically for the contractors and consultants to have a rework event, cause and
impact recording system which is going to be helpful towards reducing its occurrence. |