Abstract: | The purpose of this study was to analyze the barriers to implement QMS in the principle of customer focus, leadership, involvement of people, process approach, continual improvement, evidence based decision making and relationship management. A quantitative method has been applied to analyze the data collected from east district quality management and control employees. Primary data source were used and collected from sampled employee using five point Likert-scale questionnaires. The populations of the study were quality management and control employees of CBE in selected east district. Simple random sampling technique was employed to draw the total of 112 respondents. Descriptive statistics such as frequency mean and standard deviation techniques are applied to analyze background information of respondents. Respondents’ perceptions on critical barriers in the implementation of QMS principles are also analyzed under descriptive statistics. The study finds out lack of recognizing employee’s contribution, lack of providing the required resources and training, lack of facilitating open discussion and sharing of knowledge and experience, lack of personal development, initiatives, creativity, lack of promoting establishment of improvement objectives at all levels of the organization and low interest of employees are the major critical barriers. That means in CBE critical barriers to the implementation of QMS are related to continuous improvement and involvement of people. Finally, recommendation forwarded as all the management of CBE needs to work on this implementation of QMS continuously and consistently with a due attention on continuous improvement and employee involvement and empowerment which is the base for the organization to succeed and to develop the well-being’s of the organization. |