Abstract: | This study attempted to critically analyze the underlying causes of the civil war in Somalia. It focuses on identifying the primary and secondary actors in the Somalia conflict, examining the role of external actors such as Ethiopia both in the civil war and in the process of conflict resolution efforts. It also covers the political, economic and military interests of neighboring countries in Somalia, including Ethiopia and other,
The methods employed were interviews and focus group discussions. The diplomats of Somalia in Ethiopia (both Somalia and Somaliland Diplomatic Mission), and ordinary individuals of the Somali origin residing in Ethiopia, the African Union (AU) officials, academicians and researchers, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) officials and concerned organs from Ethiopian government, the diplomats of other concerned countries that have stake in Somalia were involved. This information was triangulated so as to avoid bias and strength the findings of the thesis.
The main findings of the paper is that, Ethiopia has done a lot by itself in initiating the peace process in Somalia and used IGAD and AU forums to advance her interest. Ethiopia as a country has relatively a powerful military in the region and got supports from the international community nonetheless its efforts in conflict resolution of Somalia have not brought about the intended sustainable peace in Somali. One of the main causes for the failure of the peace imitative in Somalia is that Ethiopia is not seen by several parties in Somalia as neutral actor in the peace process. |