Abstract: | Evaluation of any program or intervention is vital to determine whether it works, to help refine
program delivery, and to provide evidence for continuing support of the program. The aim of this study
was to analyze the impact of a selected five-year program of women’s economic empowerment,
conducted by W ISE. in this paper the researcher investigated if the five-year program of wise was successful.
The five year program which this study have investigated is named Pillars of Change, a five-year women’s
economic empowerment program designed in line with the strategic plan of WISE developed for the period of
2015-19. The goal of Pillars of Change Women’s Economic Empowerment Program was to contribute to the
eradication of absolute poverty and vulnerability by economically empowering women and building their
leadership capacity, increasing family resilience, and creating institutional capability to deliver services. A ny
program’s success is measured by the impact it has. By ways this study assessed changes in the women’s life as a
result of the program. The study answered all of the research questions and meet the listed objectives. To
do so the study implemented, primary and secondary data sources. The survey used cross-sectional
design. 8 Keeble’s; 6 from program areas and 2 from non-program areas were selected using stratif ied
random sampling technique. A total sample of 171 women; 54 matured clients, 33 incoming clients and
26 dropouts, 16 and 42 non-clients in program and non-program areas respectively were selected from
the 8 studied Keeble’s using random sampling technique. Primary data was collected through structured
questionnaires, group-focused discussions, interviews and informal discussions; and the data was then
analyzed using both descriptive and analytic methods. A binomial logit model was employed to identify
the determinants of decision-making on large sales (as an economic empowerment indicator in the study)
by comparing matured clients with three different control groups in three different scenarios. The study
assessed the impact of pillars of change women economic and social empowerment program. |