Abstract: | We have seen different structures of family, women headed family is one of this structure. This kind of family has exposed many problems like in upbringing of their children and setting their future life.
In recent year the social problem of female headed households is getting social concern, so this study focused on assessing the main social problem that female headed households in their struggle for survival, how they change the negative attitude of the society towards them, the influence factor on raring of their children and how help women association and how helps NGOs to face their problem. The objective of this study is identified the main social problem of female headed family and to raise additional information in order to select sample of women heeded family in Gullel Sub City District 01. Data were gathered through questionnaires, interviews, observation and focus group discussion primary source of data were extensively utilized and supported by some secondary source .Both qualitative and quantitative data methods of analysis were employed.
The findings of the study made it clear that, the dominance rate of poverty in FHHs is high, due to lack of income they have forced to live them under the hazardous situation and income insecurity. As a result majority of them exposed to poverty .Lack of education and large family size are found among the contributing factors to the higher incidence of poverty in the FHHs. Regarding relation with their neighbors indicated that the women headed family exposed to weak relationship with their neighbors and has negative an effect up on their participation in the social affairs. So the society believes that the importance of women attachment to men trough marriage is taken as a source of status. Similarly the women themselves thinking that the women whose husband economically well and the women who have no husband are not economically satisfied, so the society give lower status to women headed families’.
Thus, it is expected from local government, women association and NGOs to facilitate market place, entrepreneur skill as well as a better access to credit top come out vicious cycle of poverty. |