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Title: Feminism as a Development Perspectives: A Systematic Literature Review
Authors: Tilahun, Tesfaye
Keywords: Development, Feminism, Gender, Politics andWomen.
Issue Date: Dec-2020
Abstract: The purpose of this systematic literature review is to conceptualize and address the role of feminism on development. In order to address the stated objective, the researcher used a review methodology that includes the development of search strategy by using publish or perish software, selection and eligibility strategy, and inclusion and exclusion criteria. By using the methodology developed, relevant articles were downloaded, analyzed based on their relevance and the finally selected articles were included in the systematic literature review analysis. The findings of the review indicated that feminism is conceptualized as an element of politics and its target is to achieve the stated political objectives. In addition, the result also indicated that the attitude and support from men towards feminism under the expectation of women is questionable. Based on the results observed, future recommendations for scholars were forwarded. One of the recommendations is that future researchers should to conduct studies on the role of feminism on development by disregarding the link that exists between feminism and politics.
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Appears in Collections:Journal of Agricultural Development (JAD)

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