Abstract: | The main objective of this study is to analyze contribution of socio-economic factors on income generation among urban apiculture households, the case of Gullele sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The sampling design employed in this study purposive sampling for the study area (sub-city and woredas under sub-city).The sampling design for the urban beekeeper household survey; used a simple random sampling technique in order to have a reasonable sample size, as a result the study selected 91 sample respondents from 118 beekeepers from three selected woredas in the sub city. The study data were collected through urban beekeeper household survey, key informant interviews to do this, primary and secondary data have been used. The primary data was obtained from survey data. Both Descriptive and explanatory research design, with a mixed quantitative and qualitative research approach was used to establish the causal effect relationship between the urban beekeeper household income and the socio economic factors to contribute generation of household income (institutional factor, social factor and access of input). Multi linear regression model was employed to examine the contribution of socio-economic factors on income generation of apiculture among urban beekeeper household. The investigation result using regression model estimator and descriptive statistics reveals that This result implies that, as urban beekeeper household ‘s year of experiences, availability of apiculture professionals, swarms catching experience and production potentials and honey forage availability increases the income generation of apiculture households by 64%, access and sources beekeepers source of their swarm / honey bee colony and accessibility in general access of input increase household income by 36% and the appropriate extension agents frequent contacts and follow up of urban beekeeper is the most significant to increase income at households’ level by 51.1%. generally the model result indicate that socio-economic factors of apiculture (institutional factor, access of input factor and social factor) significantly and positively contributions to generation of income among urban apiculture households and the descriptive statistics result shows that urban apiculture households earn 16670.32 ETB annually on average this leads that urban apiculture has positive significance impact on income among apiculture households. The research concludes that socio-economic factor has positively significant contribution on income generation of apiculture and apiculture has positive significance impacts on household income. The study recommended that; capitalizing on the existing beekeeping policy, targeted beekeeping extension to farmers, incorporate financial aid, marketing access, and establishing cooperative association could contribute to closing gaps in skills and resource endowments and, hence, maximize household incomes. |