Abstract: | This thesis is aimed at analysing the Practices and challenges faced in implementation of ISO 9001:2015 standards in agro food companies of Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The study has employed a quantitative and qualitative research approach. Both primary and secondary data sources have been used. The primary data were collected from seven conveniently selected ISO 9001 certified agro food companies selecting136 employees in a systematic random sampling way and from seven conveniently selected noncertified companies selecting 33management members with a systematic random selection technique of sample respondents. A self-administered questionnaire was used as data collection method. The qualitative data collected through face to face interviews and FGD from key informants analysed and interpreted. The study confirmed that there is a slow trend in using this standard as mechanism of improvement in agro food companies. The other major findings are: Lack of promotion and awareness, lack of coordination among national quality infrastructure bodies and lack of policy frame work and economical background of the country are articulated. On the other hand, the presence of weak quality infrastructure across the country, Lack of support from the government (incentives, promotion, award, enactment etc), Business priority issues of the companies, Lack of awareness in benefits of QMS and Lack of understanding in the QMS process requirements executions were being identified as the main difficulties for the agro food companies not to implement ISO 9001. Companies which make attempt to get certified to ISO 9001 standard has been surging during the past years and for those already registered seem to face some challenges in implementing it. The findings are lack of corrective action and preventive action, involvement of people and lack of continual improvement. Moreover, the weakness of the main enablers for the success of matured quality system like national widened quality promotion, national quality infra structure, lack of enactment of legislation and policies and shortage of technology and skills has got a big impact on the gap that is presented in both trend and challenge of QMS. Hence, working on the enablers, on the identified challenges and on the main inhibitors is a recommendable issue. For future by adding some values on the prevailing researches to exhaust the benefit of QMS through impact and effect by enlarging the scope both in sector and geography is also a recommendable point. |