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dc.contributor.authorMohammed, Samiya-
dc.description.abstractThis study was focused on the effect of marketing strategy on marketability of coffee export in the case of Tracon Trading plc.The study used an explanatory method of research design. Both primary and secondary data collection instruments are used to collect data. In this study the quantitative approch was used for the questionaries' collected from Tracon trading export department . The data received from the respondents were edited, coded, and analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics 27 Computer Software. Quantitative data output were presented in the form of descriptive statistics using mean, and standard deviation, frequency and frequency distribution, valid and cumulative percentage for each of the variables used in the study.The validity of the instruments would be ensured through content validity and reliability tested using Cranach’s alpha with a coefficient of 0.7, which was considered acceptable. Correlation and multiple linear regression analysis techniques were also used to measure the relationship and predicting between the independent and dependent variables of the study. The result of the study shows that among the four independent variables:price, product, promotion, place strategy have strong correlation and positive significant effect on coffee export martketablity. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher has made vital recommendations on what the company should implement to improve its coffee export marketability despite its challenges in implementing a marketing strategy. The pricing strategy advisable to be competitive but also reflect the high quality of the product. The researcher has recommended to establish the coffee laboratory in regional level to identify the arrival coffee quality from its origin and participate in new product innovation. The Company also focuses on establishing strong distribution channels both locally and internationally. This can include partnerships with online sales platforms, and international distributors to reach a global market. The researcher would like to recommend a promotional strategy to adopt new technology that other competitors have not well adopted, like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and block chain technology, which are used to promote and are easily accessible to clients.en_US
dc.publisherSt. Mary's Universityen_US
dc.subjectprice strategy, product strategy, place strategy, promotion strategy, coffee export marketabilityen_US
Appears in Collections:Business Administration

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