Abstract: | The provision of quality of higher education, among other things, is connected with the quality of faculty.
However, with the increasing demand-supply gap with regard to qualified staff, higher education institutions in
our country are facing severe problems. Therefore, addressing the need for talent so as to meet quality
standards is very crucial. The strategies used so far by the government and institutions to meet the increasing
demand for qualified staff in higher institutions has to give emphasis on the process of developing and
integrating new workers, developing and keeping current workers and attracting highly skilled ones to work for
a given institution. In light of this issue, this study was conducted with objectives of specifying talent
management model for higher institutions and thereby to understand the factors important for faculty and their
satisfaction. The study is exploratory in nature. The findings of this study were based on a survey conducted
with majority of the responses from representative higher institutions in Ethiopia. Faculties are the target
populations of the study. A structured questionnaire was used in the survey. The questionnaire contained the
expectations of faculties and their satisfaction on identified parameters. Factor analysis is a method of reducing
data complexity by containing the number of variables. The study showed ORIS and IBSM are important factors
that define the aspects of teaching profession in Ethiopian higher education institutions. Under these factors
opportunity for learning, opportunity for growth, research funding, incentives for hard work, salary structure,
infrastructure facilities, behaviour of colleagues, support from administration and behaviour of management
following variables were emerged as more significant. Therefore, strategies to retain and attract qualified and
experienced faculties need to consider these variables. |