Keywords: | brand choice, model of buying behavior, brand image, reliability, safety, availability of spare part, fuel consumption, durability, durability |
Abstract: | Every consumers in the market has his/her own brand choice . three wheeler veichle product consider certain factor affecting before purchasing products.the objective of this study was to analyze the factors affecting consumers brand choice in addis ababa.the dependent variables included in this study are brand image , reliability , price , safty , fuel consumption , durability: while buying behavior is the dependent variable.the objective of the study is to identify determinig factors that affect brand choice of three wheeler buyer in Addis ababa.researchers previous working experience at automotive industry was lead to counduct the study. Data were collected from four district represnting addis ababa population using questionnaire to 314 consumers .the respondent were sampled based on non probability convenient samplingwas adoptedfor selecting the respondent .the thesis was divide into a theory part and emperical part .Both descriptive , ANOVA and multipleregeression .qualitative and quantitaive research method wereappliedin this study .the result of the study has indications that brand image, reliabilty , price , safty and durability factors have effect on a consumers buying behavior in selecting of three weheeler vihacles .In the reliability table, it is calculated that the research validity and reliability is 0.774% which is great. Moreover, the study finding shows that, there is variation on brand choice based on respondent’s income level. |