Abstract: | The research paper assesses integrated corporate communication in case of Addis Ababa city government of small and medium manufacturing industry cluster Development Corporation and presents the assessment result. The main purpose of the assessment focuses whether the integrated corporate communication as a system is implemented in the corporation or not, if not what are the main handicaps? This was choked by gathering the required data through self- administered structured questioners. The study used primary and secondary data. To go through the research descriptive research method design has been the mechanism. Based on the small and medium manufacturing industry cluster Development Corporation‟s structure of cluster branches in four different sub cities, stratified random sampling method was used. A statistical package for social science (SPSS) computer program was used to process the collected data. The results showed that, practicing futures of integrated corporate communications have been concluded that the corporation has a weak dysfunction; the corporation has a problem in implementing integrated corporate communication, due to the main constraints of mainly due to mind set, Structure of organization, managerial ability and the leaders response in practicing integrated corporate communication as a system was found, they did not have parallel management 0f the communication of stockholders, customers and the corporation. From all these more improvement and dedication is needed in implementing integrated corporate communication with in the corporation. |