Abstract: | Brand could be defined as perceptual entity that leaves in the customers mind. The general objective of this study is to examine effect of brand image on customer satisfaction (case study Zenith Gebes-Eshet Ethiopia Ltd). The target populations of this research were target population are Customer of ZenitGebisEshit Ethiopia LTD in the Head Office, the population for the study are customer who are using ZenitGebisEshit Ethiopia LTD product for one and above year. Questionnaires were distributed to 385 customers and 205 were properly completed and returned. Both primary and secondary data was used in the study. Moreover, structured and unstructured questionnaires was used to gather relevant information and the data were analyzed by using SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) and presented through descriptive, correlation, and regression analysis. The study come up with branding has a significant effect on consumer buying behavior. The study revealed that the four dimensions of branding that is, brand Image, brand loyalty, symbolic benefits, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have positive and significant relation with customer buying behavior. The study recommend that branding is very vita to attract and retain customers; therefore, continues improvement must be maintained at all times on brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand association as well as Product quality that meet consumer buying behavior. |