Abstract: | Brand Loyalty is the only tool for any company to survive in a severe competition.
The main objective of the study is to determine the effect of brand trust and customer satisfaction on brand loyalty in Abay bank s.c
In this research that the question raised what are the factor that affect brand trust on brand loyalty in Abay bank s.c? Data analysis is the process of transforming raw data into useful output. The researcher adopted quantitative research design technique for the study .This makes statistical analysis imperative in this study.
Hence statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 21) was adopted to regression analysis the field data. The field data was adequately validate to remove possible omissions, errors, inconsistencies, and non-response. Descriptive statistics was conduct. Namely; means, standard deviations, relative importance index and frequencies
In this research I study and investigated the effect of service quality, perceived quality, perceived value, and brand trust and customer satisfaction on brand loyalty.
This research uses non-random sampling methods (convenience sampling) in order to gain data. I collect 170 respondent, but only 150 questionnaires are complete. To analyze the data, this research uses regression analyses. The result shows that only to variables have significant effect to brand loyalty, they are consumer’s trust in Abay bank Share Company and brand satisfaction. While, the hypotheses that trust in brand is a mediating variable is support.
This paper recommended the way of developing brand loyalty for the bank.
Bank must have to focus on promotion like media and advertising etc.
Therefore companies should focus on creating unique experiences between their consumers and brands.
Companies can induce consumer experience with brands through the appropriate coordination of marketing communication elements such as advertising, price, packaging, symbols, logos, slogans |