Abstract: | After broadening its scope marketing in turn became a source of concept to other disciplines. As Kotler explained marketing is no longer restricted to the domain of exchange of goods and services; marketers market not only goods or services but also entities like events, experiences, persons, places, properties, organizations, information, and ideas. The objective of this study is to assess the effect of political marketing on voters’ loyalty in the Ethiopian context; considering the influence of marketing mix elements on voter loyalty. In order to achieve the aim of this study the researcher applied both descriptive and explanatory research design. The researcher used sample sizes of 187 questionnaires were distributed to respondent. The data gathered from respondent analysis is done using the SPSS software program. The main finding of study shows that product strategy and process strategy have positive and a significant influence in determining voter loyalty. In addition, the result shows that the first most essential factor that influences voter loyalty is product strategy. Therefore, leaders in the Ethiopian political system shall focus on product and process strategies. On the other hand, other researchers have a duty to find the efficacy of political marketing in developing countries, particularly in Ethiopia. |