Abstract: | The main objective of the study is to assess the influence of marketing mix elements on customer satisfaction of the Dashen Brewery S.C. For achieving the study objectives, both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. Primary data were collected through the use of structured and unstructured research questionnaire, 384 sample respondents were selected through non-probable convenient sampling technique. Accordingly, data were collected through self-administered questionnaire from sample respondents. Out of 384 respondents, workable data were obtained from 361 respondents. The Data was analysed using SPSS software (version 26.0) to obtain descriptive statistics, comparing mean scores (i.e. independent t-test and ANOVA) and other analyses (i.e. correlation analysis and multiple linear regressions). The results of this study indicate that, all the 4Ps marketing mix elements (product, price, promotion and place) have positive correlation with Customer Satisfaction. The finding of this study also indicates that Product, place and promotion have a strong positive relation and significant effect on customer Satisfaction. On the contrary, Price have negative and insignificant effect on Customer satisfaction. Product has the strong indicator of Customer satisfaction followed by place, promotion and price. It was therefore recommended that DBSC should retain its current marketing strategies in Addis Ababa because they have positive influences on consumers’ satisfaction. Also, that DBSC should evolve other marketing strategies such as, give discounts to create and sustain customers’ loyalty and create customers friendly outlets to directly keep in touch with many small customers. |