Abstract: | It is very important for every marketer to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising on consumer brand preference. Advertisement has to create apositive change in consumers’ brand preference. Unless, all resources that has been through the advertisement making, such as time, money, and effort spent will be all wasted. The study aims to explore the effect of advertisement on consumer’s brand preference the case of Sofi Malt. The paper extends research linking advertisement factors which affect consumer brand preference from one product to another product. It followed a mixed research approach and the research design was explanatory. Questionnaires were used to collect primary data by using a self-administered data collection system from 384 respondents, out of which 272 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. These respondents were selected by using a non- probability sampling technique, which is Convenience Sampling method. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage) and inferential statistics like correlation and multiple regressions. Based on the result message (source) factorsand media used have strong influence on brand preference, with beta value 0163. and 0.308 respectively, which is significant at 0.000 that means, they have positive and significant effect on consumers brand preferences of Sofi Malt. Eventually, this study recommends the companies to promote their product, and generate sales. It’s ‘also important for the companies to know whether their advertisement is effective or not. |