Abstract: | This study aimed to investigate the effect of digital advertisement on consumer purchasing behavior in the case of mobile phone market in Addis Ababa. Accordingly, it used descriptive and explanatory research design. The data collected from 215 respondents were entered into SPSS for quantitative analysis. Frequency count and percentage were used to assess the extent to which the digital advertisement effectiveness and consumer purchasing behavior in study area using a five -point liker scale questionnaires. As result, the study revealed that that the mobile brand content in digital advertising has not been unique and not different from other brand content. However, respondents think the digital advertisement for mobile phone brand content is characterized by two-way communication and well synchronized.There is distinctive mobile phone advertisement content on social media but not having exclusive mobile phone advertisement content on e-mail marketing. Respondents experience advertisement content through many senses on social media but this advertisement content is low stimulating respondents to the senses e-mail marketing. Respondents freely choose the advertisement content they want to see on social media but not quickly respond when they see advertisement content on social media. On other hand, there is a positive and significant relationship between uniqueness, vividnessandinteractivity using correlation analysis and by applying multiple regressions;this study realized that there is a positive and significant effect of uniqueness, vividness and interactivity on consumer mobile purchase behaviour. Thus, the study concluded that effects of advertising activities are influenced by consumer attitude towards advertising message, advertising company and media. As a consequence, this study concluded that uniqueness, vividness and interactivity affect consumer mobile purchase behaviour.Accordingly, the study suggests that firms may use unique features to deliver personalized content to individual consumers in real-time prove to be an attractive alternative to traditional marketing and they may use digital technologies particularly social media to reach and retain new customers. |